Investing in education is the most effective investment in the life of a company that is building its future.
Taking advantage of the opportunities offered by dual training Since September 2012, our company, in cooperation with the local Nádasdy Tamás Vocational School, has launched a three-year tool and device maker qualification which is a wanted profession in the county and in the country as well. The cooperation is unique in the county, but perhaps also nationally, and the large number of applicants demonstrates that students and their parents have understood the word of the new times and want competitive knowledge.
The hands-on training takes place in our dedicated workshop, where our students can learn everything from basic manual machining procedures to cutting-edge, software-controlled machine tools. Our complete machine fleet and many years of experienced Masters are the guarantee for up-to-date and high-quality education. Theoretical training (technical drawing, material knowledge, basic equipment, work and accident prevention ...) takes place in the classrooms of the Technical Highschool. The proportion of practice and theory is 70-30%, which is a healthy proportion for our students to receive a vocational oriented education.
The "first swallows" in 2013
What do we offer and provide?
- Up-to-date, competitive and complex knowledge
- Earning opportunity during your studies
- Find a job at us or help with a job after a successful final exam
- Easy learning in a youthful and good company
About the profession in more details:
More information and curiosities can be found on the website of the Secondary School and on our facebook page!
Tamás Nádasdy Vocational School