The founder, Antal Pócza, tired of the Planned Economy, surviving the Economic Mechanism, avoiding the Corporate Economic Working Communities, switched to an autonomous machine-cutting machine-tooled craft license.
1986. (2 employees)
The first automatic pull riveting machine of Central Europe was built by own design and construction. (Thirty rivets per minute)
Since at that time in Hungary puller rivets were known only in key industries, we have expanded our range of users through pioneering work, through various publications, participation in exhibitions, and in many cases through technology and pioneering work.
1989. (4 employees)
Professional ESSEBI type fastener manufacturing, stamping and assembly machines arrived, first leased and later purchased through ownership.
1991. (10 employees)
Establishment of UNIRIV Ltd. with Italian partners in order to supply Central and Eastern European region with rivets and fasteners.
A 1,500 m2 production hall was built in Csepreg in Bognár köz.
1996. (35 employees)
We are one of the first in the region to develop and implement the ISO 9002 quality assurance system.
1997. (42 employees)
We expanded our site and built a 750 m2 semi-finished warehouse.
1999. (51 employees)
Managing Director, winner of the „Patron of the Year Award in Vas County”.
2000. (54 employees)
As a family owned company, we founded UNIGALV Kft., and this year we built one of the most modern galvanizing plants in the region.
2001. (58 employees)
With the extension of the premises the finished goods warehouse of 640 m2 was completed.
As a result of our innovative work on the implementation of the first Széchenyi Plan, Minister György Matolcsi awarded Uniriv Kft with a "Ministerial Recognition".
This year, the Vas County General Assembly awarded the Executive with a Certificate of Excellence in "Sports of Vas County".
2002. (62 employees)
We have designed and implemented the most stringent ISO TS 16949: 2002 quality assurance system in place to meet the requirements of the automotive industry. Thanks to this development, many of the major automotive companies have been able to use our fasteners unconditionally.
We have been awarded the "Vas County Quality Award" by the Vas County Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
2005. (68 employees)
We bought the business from the Italian owners who became family members over time, so Uniriv Kft became 100% Hungarian and mostly family owned.
2007. (75 employees)
In Transylvania, in Marosvásárhely, we established a subsidiary for the manufacture of fasteners and metal articles, called DSU MURES.
2009. (80 employees)
As part of the greenfield investment, DSU MURES has built a new 1,000 m2 modern production hall in Marosszentgyörgy, where the second subsidiary, DSU Rappai, has also been founded and based here in the meantime, thus forming the DSU Group with the same legal ownership as a group of four independent companies!
The General Assembly of the Vas County Municipality awarded the CEO of the group with an "Award for the Economy of the Vas County".
2010. (95 employees)
The Vas County Chamber of Commerce and Industry also recognized the Executive’s work in the society by donating a "Chamber Work Memorial Plaque".
2012. (There are 120 employees in the DSU group.)
We bought the Szentkirályi industrial area (30,000 m2), where we built the DSU group headquarters. (5,000 m2 production hall)
2013. (120 employees)
The headquarters of the DSU Group has been completed, we have relocated high-tech automatic press machines, and we have moved our well-equipped tool-making plant, which function has also been extended by vocational training with the Tamás Nádasdy Vocational School.
Our "Innovation Grand Prix" tender, published by the Hungarian Innovation Association, was awarded by the jury with a certificate of recognition.
2014. (130 employees)
Ceremoniously Uniriv Kft., LUK Savaria Kft. And Roto Elzett Certa Kft. have signed a co-operation agreement. The primary purpose of the companies' cooperation in the field of training is to alleviate and satisfy the labor shortage which is causing serious problems in the county.
An electroplating process was added to DSU Mures.
2015. (135 employees)
As the first Hungarian medium-sized company, beside regional multinational companies, Uniriv Ltd. joined the dual mechanical engineering training in Szombathely.
The first practice exam takes place and our first tool making class finishes with a professional certificate.
2018. (145 employees)
We have expanded our range of services with new coating technologies. With an equipment we purchased and another built by us, we were able to produce a microcapsule, screw protection coating known as Precote. Our other coating, zinc lamella, was brought to life by the demands of the automotive industry, which is known for its high corrosion resistance (~ 1000h) in the industry.
DSU Mures launches second galvanizing line.
2019. (150 employees)
Due to the increased customer demand for machining products, Uniriv Ltd. is establishing a separate division at the Bognár site for this new division.
As a result of an individual governmental decision, a 21st century machine fleet has been added the educational base of our Szentkirályi site.